A two-parter on concrete additives (and friendship)
What's the difference between adding sugar to concrete and making friends at work?
Reflections on the Revolution in Job Applications
A long absence, I know. I can only apologise. The book, other work, a baby-now-toddler: they all pushed this newsletter
The end of the gig economy.
what happened in 2008?
A roofer from Spain talks about how the Great Financial Crisis changed his life.
Mayhew's London Labour and the London Poor
Life in Victorian London.
frack frack boom
The oil boom is a-coming in.
canteen: closed
Why we should mourn the death of the workplace canteen.
why do I have to do so much paperwork?
The unbearable heaviness of admin.
in defence of food security
The trade-offs between food security and/or net zero.